Since Kepler was promoted to default, I've updated the opt-in beta branch twice with a number of fixes and changes. Several dozen brave commanders have put enough time on these builds that I feel they're ready for the main branch. Kepler 17311 Changes/Fixes: [list] [*] If a player fighter drone is too far from ship, will be instantly recalled, allowing player to use fast travel without waiting for fighters [*] Text scaling in Options [*] Option to change default map zoom behavior [*] Map "highlight investigate" now also draws attention to any unscanned or unsurveyed planets (a somewhat common cause of players getting stuck is players failing to notice a planet that was detected but never scanned) [*] Changes to gamepad controls [*] Change to the behavior of [spoiler]the gravity gun[/spoiler] [*] [spoiler]If Lost Goryr is not found within a few minutes of spawning, location will be revealed by crew.[/spoiler] [*] Minor new anomalies, off-path content [*] Minor mission fixes, adjustments [*] Shields and battlestation charges persist across saves (but not Havok, yet) [*] Reduced the crew repair effect for large crews [*] UI tips in map view [*] Fixed missing "The End" achievement [*] Removed unused resource (Metallic He) from display lists [*] Minor optimizations [*] Fixed null reference error [*] Various minor bugs, typo fixes [/list] In addition to those changes, there's now a preliminary "difficulty" setting that doesn't have a UI yet. To change difficulty, open up the developer console with F11. Then enter SetDifficult(x) where x is a positive or negative number. Negative numbers make the game easier than default, positive numbers make it harder. The scale is exponential, so start with small numbers (e.g., +/- 0.5 or 1.0). Difficulty is application-wide, rather than per save.