Two weeks ago I posted the opt-in beta build "Icarus" for players to begin testing. There have been a couple patches since then to address several minor issues, but overall the build seems to be a solid improvement over Helios and Ganymede (the previous default build). So now I'm promoting Icarus to the default build. Saves are not compatible between named builds, but if you were in the middle of a game, don't worry: you can always switch back to Ganymede to finish your current game. [url=]See here for instructions and select "Ganymede Rollback"[/url]. [h3]Here are the combined changes from Helios (the previous opt-in beta) and Icarus, relative to Ganymede:[/h3] [list] [*] 34 new planet anomalies [*] New stories, side quests, factions [*] New ship modules, techs [*] New enemy types [*] New discoveries [*] Mission log now differentiates missions, objectives by "actionable" status [*] Additional mission details to help with common "stuck" areas [*] Mission progress scaling by actionables, e.g., timed events and hints trigger faster if the player has few or no active mission objectives [*] Fog of Exploration tech [*] Alternate laser fire controls [*] Change to crew progression system [*] Changes to encounter, drop and anomaly balance [*] NPCs no longer aggro from small damage [*] All ships will eventually fully recover lost modules, e.g., Celaeno will repair itself. This has the added benefit of reducing save file sizes (a significant chunk of saves' data is storing full ship layouts) [*] Drop attract max speed scales up with ship speed (minimizes outrunning drop pick up) [*] NPCs will pick-up drops for their own kills after a brief delay [*] Scaled up asteroid objects [*] Trade planet icons [*] Allow mission lane expansion (should make releasing story patches easier) [*] Changes to visibility system [*] Increased color brightness of some factions [*] Lateral thruster changes, VFX [*] Change to mouse steering option [*] Lua console for debugging with F11 [*] Straight-line autopilot option [*] Autopilot to station will automatically dock [*] Changed "home" map marker [*] Numerous balance changes [*] AI changes [*] Support/maintenance crew [*] Added support for vysnc, exclusive full screen [*] Additional display options [*] Performance improvements [*] Numerous minor bug fixes [/list] [h2]Early Access Content Progress[/h2] When I posted the Icarus opt-in announcement, I gave a summary of content progression since the start of Early Access. Here it is again, with a few minor corrections to some of the numbers. There are several very rough metrics for how much content has been added since the start of Early Access: mission logic elements, number of different anomalies, and number of words. Mission logic elements are the smallest unit of "quest" logic. By itself, the number isn't particularly meaningful, but it tends to grow roughly in line with the amount of game play content. Anomalies are interactions that the player may encounter on planets or when interacting with derelicts and celestial artifacts: while some anomalies may be encountered more than once, this number excludes any duplicates (even though some duplicates may behave very differently when encountered again). Word count is self-explanatory. [img][/img] [i]A small snippet of mission logic from the early game. Each green or pink colored box is a mission logic element.[/i] I want to stress that I'm personally not focusing on any numeric metrics of content: I want to deliver the best possible experience to players. Part of that is having lots of different anomalies and things to discover, but increasing content numbers are a side-effect of the goal. I'm presenting these numbers to give players a sense of the overall progress. [b]Betelgeuse (Dec 2022, first Early Access version):[/b] 75 anomalies 1264 mission logic elements 25,000 words [b]Draconis (Jan 2023):[/b] 91 anomalies 1516 mission logic elements 29,000 words [b]Europa (Mar 2023): [/b] 111 possible anomalies 1839 mission logic elements 36,000 words [b]Fornax (May 2023):[/b] 120 possible anomalies 1990 mission logic elements 40,000 words [b]Ganymede (June 2023):[/b] 145 anomalies 2390 mission logic elements 48,000 words [b]Icarus (Latest Build):[/b] 179 anomalies 3340 mission logic elements 64,000 words [img][/img] [i]Examples of some of the 179+ anomaly images[/i] For comparison, [i]Starcom: Nexus[/i] had ~195 anomalies and 65,000 words (it used a different mission logic system so the numbers are not comparable, but it had considerably less mission logic than [i]Unknown Space[/i] does now). In terms of game length, the median time for first time players of Betelgeuse to reach the end of the main story line was 8 hours. For Ganymede, it was 16 hours. Again, I want to stress that I'm not focusing on numeric values: some of the more recent changes have been with the goal of reducing time spent wandering around not having any obvious missions to progress on. At this point, I am starting to steer the huge vessel that is [i]Starcom: Unknown Space[/i] toward an ending. I have a vision of what that ending looks like, but it will likely evolve as I implement it and get feedback from players. To anticipate the question of "when is full release", the answer remains unchanged: when it's done. I hope to have an ending in place in the next few months, but it is likely that once that ending is in place I may spend several more months iterating on it. There are also a number of items not directly related to content development that will add several weeks here and there. As always, if players are finding that the game isn't done, then it's not done. Thanks for reading, and thanks for playing Starcom: Unknown Space! - Kevin