The Kepler 17317 has had been on the beta branch for several days without reports of any significant issues, so I'm setting it to default. Some minor fixes, a few mission hints and two later game void regions: [list] [*]Two new mini late-game exploration void regions [*]Minor adjustments, additional hints to guide players in a few stuck points [*]Adjust discovery sound volume [*]Patch for the prevented completion of [spoiler]Tomb of Ock Juk if Ermyr ally in late game[/spoiler] [*]Fix for missing localization strings on one mission [*]Fix for negative fighter count [*]Fix for NaN on specific projectile [*]Fix for rare mission bug in [spoiler]Forbidden Planet[/spoiler] [*]Suppress non-critical exceptions appearing in console, added instructions for closing console via F11 [*]Gamepad specific help notifications [*]Refactor analytics to collected detailed only on opt-in branch [*]Removed Early Access pop-up, FPS indicator [*]Update game icon [*]Several typos [/list] As always, you can submit comments/bugs/suggestions in game via F8 or in [url=]the discussion forums[/url].