[b][h3]Hello everyone![/h3][/b] With the release of Sporeborn Dark, we have gained a lot of valuable experience. It has not been an easy journey, the results of which we are now absorbing to become better! This has only been possible because of you, your support and feedback from you, for which thank you so much! It's been an interesting few days since release, we've tried to release critical patches as quickly as possible that improve the game experience by fixing some unpleasant issues and adding features that we didn't have time to release in time for the release. With this post, we - the ValiantLight team, wanted to thank you all once again and announce an update, in which we will also provide fixes for some unpleasant moments and add a few features. We are going to release this update at the end of this week, if all goes well :) Here's a quick summary of what's coming: [list] [*] - Addition of a map whose mechanics will be different from the difficulty selected [*] - Adding steam achievements to the game [*] - Improving the balance of the game on different difficulties [*] - Fixing Berserk (a big monster), his animations and his getting stuck in passages [*] - Fixing several unpleasant bugs [/list]