[b][h3]Hey everyone![/h3][/b] Yes, Sporeborn Dark is releasing on September 19! Thank you for staying with us throughout this year of development. We’re excited to share some of the latest updates and improvements we’ve made in Sporeborn Dark. [b]Big changes:[/b] [list] [*] Improved character and monster animations. Movements are now smoother and more realistic, enhancing the overall experience. [img]https://i.ibb.co/mzn8VhL/GIF-03-09-2024-16-00-15.gif[/img] [*] Added new rooms with visual storytelling elements. Items are arranged in a way that lets players imagine what happened there. [img]https://i.ibb.co/HqPbvCt/2024-09-03-160955.png[/img] [*] Additional entities have been added to enhance storytelling. [/list] [b]Polishing and Visual Enhancements:[/b] [list] [*] Improved visibility of crushable bodies. [*] Added variety to crushed bodies for a more immersive environment. [*] Detailed work on furniture placement. [*] Enhanced shadows and light representation on objects. [*] Adjustments to the game flow, including the beginning and ending sequences. [*] Game menu redesign with additional windows to improve user experience. [*] Fixed a bug related to save file deletion. [*] Overall game balance and difficulty adjustments. [/list] We continue to polish and improve certain aspects of the game, and we're just a little bit away from [b]release![/b] [b]Now is a great time to add Sporeborn Dark to your wishlist so you don't miss out on that day:[/b] https://store.steampowered.com/app/2601640/Sporeborn_Dark/