[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//37173422/b199b5ee3396c622ebe7b5f0b613d75b548079d3.png[/img] Happy birthday Slapshot: Rebound!! It's been an absolutely fantastic year for Slapshot that we've had the pleasure of sharing with you. To celebrate, we've dressed up the locker room and you'll get an exclusive anniversary hat if you log in by December 14th! Over the next few days, we will be making two more fun announcements 😄 Until December 14th, Slapshot Premium is also provided at a 30% discount! That's the biggest discount so far and likely will be for a while https://store.steampowered.com/app/1485570/Slapshot_Rebound_Premium_Lifetime/ Thank you, slappers!