[h1]Rebound v0.58.0 is live![/h1] [h2]NEW[/h2] - New locker room! - Overhauled the matchmaking rating system. [b]This is phase 1 to prepare for ranked.[/b] -- This now uses a 'certainty' element to the rating, placing you in the appropriate rating more quickly. -- The new rating is better in creating ratings based on teams -- Note: all ratings have been reset to switch over to the new system! - Matchmaking has been sped up to compensate for the better skill distribution curve - Added the ability to change the match length in custom lobbies [h2]Public API[/h2] - Added more depth to the end reason field, including noting an overtime end - Lobby creation through API can set the new match length setting as well [h2]Cosmetics[/h2] - Added mullet, duck beak [h2]Fixes[/h2] - Fixed the crashes that have been plaguing some players - Fixed back numbers not rendering correctly for some cosmetics / scenarios - Fixed an issue where leaving games still rewarded you with the experience you got after, now you get zero - Fixed a backfill issue where joining mid-match could sometimes still count as a loss GLHF