[h1]Rebound v0.59.2 is live[/h1] [h2]New rating system[/h2] We've recreated the rating system from scratch based on feedback on the previous system. It now does not punish you as much for losing if you have teammates that are rated lower and does not reward you as much for getting carried. The new Slapshot Rating system is now based on a different algorithm that I have modified to work for team based games. (Glicko2 instead of TrueSkill). We opted for a full reset because the system will place you in an appropriate skill bracket within the first 5 - 10 matches (much like placement matches). It will also give us proper insight into the bell curve of the new rating system to assign ranks to them. [h2]Cosmetics[/h2] - Made fixes to the sword stick and bone stick - Added some dumb ass golden grills because Eli's been asking for them for a fucking year - Added a bunch of new mouths and eyes, a flame stick and stripes jersey [h2]Other[/h2] - Controller navigation in menus now produces our super dank navigation sounds