[h2]Hey everyone, Slapshot: Rebound v0.62.0 is now live[/h2]. [h3]ADDED FORFEIT[/h3] - Only enabled in public games - Votes can be started after half the game has passed OR someone has left (who gets a penalty) - A team has to unanimously decide to forfeit, otherwise it fails - There is a 30 second timer to cast your votes. Those that haven't voted by then are assumed to vote no. - Upon success, it immediately ends the game. No leave penalties are given to the remaining players. - Upon failure, there is a 30 second cooldown before a new forfeit vote can be started in the entire match - Forfeit votes cannot be started during overtime - If a player of the team that's voting leaves during a forfeit vote, they will be marked down as 'yes' immediately - The 'leave game' button is replaced by the forfeit button when a vote can be started -- This is intentional design to discourage rage quitting. If you really have to go, start the vote and then immediately leave. - When you can't start a forfeit vote (e.g. too early, one in progress, cooldown,..) the leave button is back with the leave penalty warning [h3]NEW[/h3] - Added a prompt for new players that asks whether they want to play a bot match first before going in an online match - Removed backfill. The forfeit replaces its purpose. Backfill wasn't much fun for anyone and took people out of the matchmaking cycle. - Added new arena: Colosseum -- This will only be available in custom matches until we are confident that it does not impact gameplay, then it will be added to pubs. [h3]COSMETICS[/h3] - Added a no hat variant of plague - Added black variant of the monitor - Added magician hat & jersey, crab gloves, bikini, glue backpack, unicorn hat [h3]OTHER[/h3] - Fixed Slapshot Services connection instability with specific TLS versions ------- [b]Unrelated to the update but dear to my heart[/b] - we have recently found out about the passing of the_human_shieldz. Shieldz had been playing Slapshot for a really long time and has had quite an impact on many people in the community including myself, his SPL team and many many others he has crossed paths with. As a tribute to him and with his family's blessing, we have remade the statue in the pond to honor his memory. If you need anyone to talk to, please know that my DMs on Discord are always open @Erveon#0001 [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//37173422/56f0e05358ed9eca8b424a9f344255bf68fd86e3.png[/img]