[h1]Rebound v0.59.0 is live![/h1] This is a big one that adds a lot of much needed things and puts down the groundworks for some more awesome things that are to come! [h2]NEW[/h2] - Added bots -- You can now find two new practice modes, one with a goalie bot and a full bot match where you decide the team sizes -- In the future, you will be able to add bots to your custom matches online too - Added an animation to the scorebug when a team scores - Added several extra crowd sounds to improve the ambience relative to the map (you can turn it down in Audio -> Ambience) -- More crowd cheers during the match -- Crowd anticipates the end of the match, cheering the players on as the clock ticks down -- Crowd cheers for goals and the end of the match -- Added a slight delay to the goal horn to improve realism - Added an experience tracker at the end of a public match - Overhauled the game info widget (in queue and in lobby), also made them accessible to controller - Added a leave penalty of 5 minutes for leaving a public match -- Some of the matchmaking issues were people's ratings being completely wrong because they left so many matches. -- Now, it's faster to finish your match rather than to leave. Make the best of it! I've seen some crazy comebacks. - Added a sound for time warnings - Added an icon of the item's type to the store items - Added controller support for the region selector [h2]Matchmaking[/h2] Matchmaking has had a bunch of changes between the last update and now. Thank you to everyone that helped us finetune it so far. There's still a lot of improvements coming to it, we're monitoring and balancing queue times, match quality and other factors. - Capped the rating for the matchmaker, improving queue times for people on the extreme ends of the ratings without a large match quality penalty - Made matchmaking in your own skill range faster by setting a default start offset for the rating range search - Increased the soft cap of the rating search range to compensate for the wider range of ratings in the new system - Sped up the search for the matchmaking range between your rating and the soft cap - Slowed down the search for matchmaking range past the soft cap, increasing match quality - Backfill is now entered into the matchmaker as its own entity, meaning it'll do a search just like players instead of taking anyone in range -- This means that players that have been in queue for a hot second won't have a disproportionate amount of backfills - Fixed an issue where backfills would cause everyone's new calculated ratings to be way too high or low [h2]Fixes[/h2] - Fixed occasional incorrect container panel rendering of dynamic lists in UI - Periods toggle and match length options are now greyed out for non-owners of the lobby - Fixed and improved the net physics interactions and added support for multiple pucks - Fixed the call puck feature making the puck go to bots - Fixed FPS cap not applying to main menu [h2]Cosmetics[/h2] - Added hat trick and axe hats from the original Slapshot - Added shark back item [h2]Other[/h2] - Updated our Unity LTS version which may provide some performance enhancements (or break everything, who knows!) - Updated the graphics texture of the goal nettings to make it look a bit more realistic - Updated the ice scratches texture that fades in over time while you're on the ice to be more visible [h1]WHAT'S NEXT?[/h1] As we're finalising the finetuning of the new matchmaking algorithm, we have determined which ratings will get which ranks for ranked which is now closer than ever. We'll continue improving the bot intelligence, add difficulty settings, continue our work on the ambience of the game and provide more custom lobby options. GLHF Oddshot Games