Hi Slappers! The Slapshot community has joined the United Servers of Discord Alliance! This alliance brings together Discord guilds for fun events and server vs server battles! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//37173422/c71949681d90bccf39e276045e1db86097d954a7.png[/img] Join [url=https://discord.slapshot.gg]https://discord.slapshot.gg[/url] for all details The AllianceTrivia Bot will enable trivia battles between multiple Discord communities! Try your hand at answering trivia questions and help us win our battles against other servers! When you have a chance check out the #alliance-trivia channel and show off your trivia skills. The first battle will be live soon around 8:00AM UTC / 12:00AM PST New Trivia Battles will happen in that same channel automatically every 8 hours, so if you miss out on the first battle then don't worry because there will be a lot more coming soon! If you are interested in learning more about the Alliance then feel free to check out this presentation: [url=http://hyperurl.co/DiscordAlliance]http://hyperurl.co/DiscordAlliance[/url]