[h1]Rebound v0.55.1[/h1] This is mostly a quality of life update including some foundations for updates to come. [h2]Lefties rejoice![/h2] - Your handedness preference is now synced across devices (as well as your jersey number) - Left handed players will now see their character hold the stick left handed in the main menu - Left handedness is now synced in parties in the main menu display as well [h2]Titles[/h2] - Premium players now unlock the blue glowing 'Premium' title automatically. You can set it in Player -> Titles. - Created a popup for when you unlock titles (only premium atm, more planned for other things). - Added titles to the end-game scoreboard - Titles now have more appropriate sizing and spacing on the scoreboards and in the title selection interface [h2]Cosmetics[/h2] - Created a system for the artists to hide ears on jersey cosmetics (to support hooded capes like 'hooded'). - Added three capes: clawed, hooded and royal cloak (one of which will be exclusive on our Patreon, voting happening now) - Added alien hands and antennas, superstar cosmetic - Added two variants for mittens, 9 for fishbowl [h2]Fixes[/h2] - Re-added proper sanitizing of usernames (bug where you could make your username a different color). - Fixed an issue where if you're banned the ban message would disappear after the loading screen - Fixed an issue with our chat filter that would fail to catch vAriATioNs iN CapITaliSaTioN [h2]Other[/h2] - Took down the holiday decorations in the locker room - Created a bunch more internal tooling to help us resolve support issues, organize things and moderate the game [h1]What we are working on[/h1] - There's more experimentation with taking down the bumping meta and some rotational speed unfairness between input devices (this is progress towards ranked) - I'm working on a code redemption system in the shop which will help with giveaways and marketing to increase the player base (e.g. we can give influencers and organizations a code in the shop to get a jersey with their logo) - We have a developer working on a first draft of bots for the game. Still early stages but it's looking promising. - The artists are working on several simpler cosmetics that we'll be giving away for free later as rewards for logging in and other things GLHF Oddshot Games