[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//37173422/c4df9721146f6b554c34a1866a0a03d3957ba526.png[/img] [h1]Rebound v0.55.0[/h1] Happy holidays @everyone! Premium is 20% off during the Steam winter sale. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1485570/Slapshot_Rebound_Premium_Lifetime/ Thank you for a fantastic 2021 for Slapshot. 2022 will be even bigger! [h2]Balancing[/h2] - Increased the cost of dizziness for controller users by 25% to help combat helicoptering -- We're open to further feedback on this. If you feel like your legit playstyles are getting you dizzy, please post clips. [h2]New[/h2] - Added a title system, can be found in Player -> Titles. -- Currently we only have the exclusive titles for various things such as leagues and the upcoming ranked. -- Patreon supporters on the legendary tier can have a custom title that they choose. DM me if you are eligible. (not conflicting with existing titles). -- We'll be adding titles you can obtain through gameplay in the near future - Added party chat. When you're in a party with someone you can now talk to them using the chatbox on the main menu and in practice mode. - Your own name is now highlighted on the leaderboards with a golden line in front of it so you can find yourself easier - Added a new filter to custom games to only show locked or open lobbies - The locker room has been transformed from anniversary to holidays decorations! [h2]Other[/h2] - Changed the tutorial to reflect some stats on where people got stuck or were too advanced for an intro to the game [h2]Cosmetics[/h2] - Added cucumber eyes, toothbrush stick [h2]Fixes[/h2] - Fixed the highlighting on the indoor stick - The match found buzzer is now correctly controlled by the UI volume slider - Fixed a server side issue that caused it to panic and die. GLHF