[h1]Rebound v0.53.1[/h1] [h2]Taking a stance on toxicity.[/h2] We've taken note of people's experiences and there are still far too many instances of people behaving in unacceptable ways. This update helps address some of these issues further, and while it will not solve everything, it is a step in the right direction. Over the coming updates we will be adding more of these features as deemed necessary to help form a welcoming community. [h2]General[/h2] - From now on, when a person gets muted / banned with help from your reports, you will be notified of it - Improved hate speech detection to take into account some creative ways to be an asshole - Increased automatic chat bans from 3 days to 1 month when detecting hate speech; -- We were afraid of false positives when we first launched automatic mutes but have seen a 95%+ effective rate -- If the system mutes you and you believe it was a false positive, please submit a ticket using #help in Discord. - If someone is caught by our automated system, their chat ban will be announced to other players in the same match - Upgraded Unity engine to LTS 2020.3.9 [h2]Fixes[/h2] - Fixed collision detection between the net and cones in practice mode - Improved stats UI to allow for bigger numbers (thank you Valo for reporting this) - The match sharing website now correctly shows arena, periods and which period (for matches played after the update) - Hair colors will now level up correctly GLHF Erveon & team