[h1]Rebound v0.46.0 is live[/h1] [h2]Gameplay[/h2] - Increased assist timer to 5 seconds (from 4) https://slapshot.nolt.io/455 - You no longer consume dizziness at the faceoff [h2]General[/h2] - Added end game screen (stats, report button, winner showcase, practice button, requeue) https://slapshot.nolt.io/60 - Tutorial Steam achievement (you automatically get it if you completed it before) https://slapshot.nolt.io/323 - Added support for 5120x1440 resolution - The ping debug is no longer shown in practice [h2]Cosmetics[/h2] - Zeus has been added to the cosmetics Premium members get - Added: Cellphone, Toast, Icecream cone, Drumstick, Rose, Dreadlocks, Shenandoah, Bunny ears, Beret, Tactical helmet, Eyelashes, Monkey backpack, Lipstick - Toned back some glowiness of the star and reindeer nose [h2]Fixes[/h2] - When backfilled, you now get your appropriate stats - Fixed issues with controller navigation in home screen - Fixed issue where your level up pux were in some rare cases not credited