[h1]Rebound v0.44.0 is live[/h1] [b]Gameplay[/b] - Nerfed dash strength by ~5% to slow the game down a little bit - Increased the bounciness of the puck on the boards (not the player!) by 40% Note: These happened before this patch, we usually perform balancing changes asynchronously from patches. [b]Matchmaking[/b] - Made matchmaking a lot stricter, matches will take a little longer to find but will be higher quality - Matchmaking will now balance within the teams themselves (They will not be as one-sided as before) - Leaving a game prematurely will now result in a loss - Backfilled games will no longer count as a loss (if you lose) [b]Quality of Life[/b] - Added a 'Stats' menu in the Player tab. This feature was highly requested with over 60 upvotes ([url=https://slapshot.nolt.io/350]https://slapshot.nolt.io/350[/url]) so we prioritized it :) - The player count under the world icon now shows the total people online, not just in matchmaking games/queue globally (to avoid confusion) [b]Other[/b] - The locker room is now more festive - Added some optimizations to the main menu related to rendering - Optimized some gameplay code to get better performance (more performance patches coming in the near future) [b]Fixes[/b] - Fixed issue where some custom color hex codes didn't parse correctly - The game now filters rich text codes [h1]Check out our launch week stats on Twitter![/h1] [url=https://twitter.com/Slapshotgg/status/1338495675064061952]https://twitter.com/Slapshotgg/status/1338495675064061952[/url]