[h1]Rebound v0.43.0 is live[/h1] [b]General[/b] - You now get a 200 experience bonus for both winning and playing your first game of the day - Premium users get awarded premium cosmetics on login (the premium jersey in this case) - Changed how dash shots are calculated to make them more consistent [b]Quality of Life[/b] - AFK kick does not kick you when you're messing around in the settings, only when it detects no activity at all - Added buttons to the escape menu to reset practice and personal records for the respective modes - Added a 'Matches' folder in game files -> slapshot_data with a log of the stats of the matches you played (for leagues etc) - Added an 'I understand' checkbox for the first time you see the beta notice popup - If you cap your FPS to lower than 120, you will now be shown a warning about responsiveness - You can now search for lobbies (by name or owner) and filter on their region [b]UI[/b] - Added 'premium' username glow to rankings, in-game scoreboard and lobby UI [b]Fixes[/b] - Fixed an issue where the backfill would sometimes backfill more players than are allowed - Fixed 'Network Update Smoothing slider resetting on load - Fixed a performance issue related to shadows in the main menu that impacted some users greatly - Fixed 'Leave' button when previewing the Pond - Jersey numbers are now more visible on light jerseys - Fixed blue deke bar in obstacle practice - Fixed an issue where FPS wouldn't be set correctly on the main menu for some people This is the last bigger patch before launch on Monday. If there's any game breaking issues left, please let us know so we can have a smooth launch. The open beta launch does not mean anything is finished, it just means we're ready for the public. [h1]Launch time[/h1] [b]Rebound will launch on Monday December 7th at 9am PT / Noon ET / 6pm CET[/b]