[h1]Rebound v0.40.5 is live[/h1] [h2]Gameplay[/h2] - Your head no longer collides with the boards (closing the gap between your body and the boards) - Head collider is 5% bigger - On faceoffs dizziness is now set to 40% to discourage players from "helicoptering" on faceoffs. This is a remote setting we can adjust on the fly if needed [h2]Matchmaking[/h2] - You now earn/lose MMR when playing in quick play, it is also loosely used to create matches (this will be refined later, thank you Jimstur) MMR is hidden in quick play, it's still supposed to be a casual mode but the matches should be more fair like this when more people queue. [h2]Qualify of life[/h2] - Quick play now only shows who's playing/queueing in the regions you have selected to give you a better idea of when you'll get a match - You can now see the global amount of people in quick play under the world icon (region selector) [h2]UI[/h2] - Your level is now displayed in a circle to the left of your exp and name to give your name more breathing room (Suggested by Nightsector on [url=https://slapshot.nolt.io/]Nolt[/url]) [h2]Fixes[/h2] - Puck will no longer make the board collision sound multiple times when it's sliding along the boards - Fixed a main menu error related to helmets