Rebound v0.40.0
Author: Erveon,
published 4 years ago,
[b]Rebound v0.40.0 is live[/b]
- Slappy pass owners get the trainer buddy hat and 9.99 USD worth of Pux
[b]Gameplay & Visuals[/b]
- Leaderboards are now live, and include all-time, monthly, weekly columns, as well as an option to sort by region. Stats only include matchmade games starting now and will be wiped before early access.
- Added a 6 goal mercy rule to public games
- Added metrics to track: passes, takeaways, turnovers, overtime wins, overtime losses, faceoff wins, faceoff losses, game winnings goals, mercy rule (both received and dealt)
- Stats are now saved to the specific region that they occur in (for leaderboards)
- The game now goes to the tutorial on the first launch (this will happen for everyone on this update)
- Gave people more time to set up for a shot in goalie practice
- Removed the option to set texture quality. They had barely any performance benefits and made the game look very ugly.
- Removed the 8x anti-aliasing option and set default anti-aliasing to disabled. High anti-aliasing significantly affects frame rate (and thus input lag) on a lot of systems
- Added an extras tab with links to Patreon, discord, and has credits including all Patreon supporters. We've only included the first initial for any surnames. If you're a Patreon supporter and would like your name changed to your in-game username please let us know
- Added new helmets: Scary mask, 200 IQ, halo, arrow head, boxer, capone, chef, devil horns, egg, elf, marching band, nurse, police, pope, santa, trainer buddy, ushanka, zeus,
- Added new eyes: angry, zen, iced, lucky, rattled, retired, sad, shiner, squint, teary, tic tac toe, stare, wince
- Added new mouths: happy, vampire, chiclets, overbite, bucky, stunned, gasp, try hard, pensive, yikes, sad
- Added new back cosmetic: Candy cane
- Added new mouth items: Chocolate sandwich, puck
- Fixed goalie practice mode balancing and made it take new balancing into account
- Added new text characters to fix people's names
- The ö on the "Mjölnir" cosmetic now shows appropriately, along with other common non-English characters
- Players who previously purchased the yikes or try hard cosmetic will now see that in their inventory
- Fixed the euro eye cosmetic not working
- Fixed an issue with the +/- stat
- Changed the way stats work so that saving and loading them is more performant