[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//37173422/1c2770cfff9bad7645872a9d60e9ef4bc4829461.png[/img] [h1]Rebound v0.73.0 is now live! ːreboundː[/h1] Most of our time was spent working on performance and other less flashy but very important things. There's still a bunch of things related to that that aren't ready yet so stay tuned for more boring but essential things! [h2]New gamemode: Freezetag![/h2] Freezetag lets you choose between being a tagger and a runner. This works with a 'best of' round system. The round ends when the time rune out (runners win) or all runners are frozen (taggers win). - As a tagger, hit the runners to freeze them. - As a runner, get away and tag frozen teammates to unfreeze them! This mode has no pucks, it's all about movement. Freezetag is available in custom games. Let us know what you think of it! [h2]Performance fixes and improvements[/h2] Significantly improved CPU usage of the game as well as memory allocation (less/no more stutters!) Nerd stuff ahead: The reduced memalloc produces 82% less garbage each frame, putting less strain on the GC which avoids stutters. [h2]Quality of Life[/h2] - Completely remade our Steam integration. Should not make a difference right now but will help us integrate with Steam more in the future (Rich presence, Steam sockets & relay for player hosted servers) - Further improved toxicity and false positive detection [h2]Fixes[/h2] - Fixed some ice reflection related issues - Fixed no goal horn playing if nobody on the team is credited with the goal - Fixed some inputs getting discarded is they last less than a game tick [h2]Cosmetics[/h2] - Added cultist jersey, cat beanie, bandana (mouth), cauldron, suspenders, poutine stick, nasher jersey (stay tuned!), snail hat & jersey, facial hair: lumberjack, balbo, chad & disguise glasses - Added new variants for Goosan, Star eyes, visor helmet, wireframe hat & fedora (will be enabled later today) - Replaced the fart goal horn. Everyone that's bought it is eligible for a free refund for the next 7 days if they don't like the new version (⁠help for a ticket) - Resized the league winner crown based on feedback [h2]Other[/h2] - Added a new loading screen by community member Rev - Added Steam (Points Shop) & Discord chat stickers (Goosan Walk & Slapshot Smile) by Rev - Renamed dodgepuck arena to 'Obstacles' - Added an XL version of the Obstacles map [h2]What's next?[/h2] Our major focus areas are a game replay system, releasing more performance improvements and introducing new latency reduction tech. Good luck, have fun! The Oddshot Games team