In this small update, a few additions have been made to improve the player experience and a bug that was causing FPS issues has been fixed. [h2]Improvements made[/h2] [list] [*] Now vacant occupations can be automatically filled from workers. This is also offered as a choice. In the occupations management panel, players can turn off the filling of vacant jobs from workers if they wish. [*] When increasing the number of workers assigned through the production building, a small window will show the number of idle people and the number of workers if they are using them. [*] When you start the game, when you hover over the resources before placing the town center, their names and resource amounts are now displayed. [/list] [h2]Bug fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed an issue where overlapping resources while building a road would cause severe FPS drops until the road was finished. [*] Fixed an issue where starting with the spacebar at the start of the game would cause the game to start paused. [*] Fixed the deer resource indicator not resizing when the game paused. [*] Fixed a translation bug in Chinese. [/list]