Demo v1.0.24 predator update introduces bear caves and wolf dens to the game. These predators pose threats to villagers across different seasons. It's enabled by default in the Survival preset but can be turned off or increased in quantity in new game settings. Bear caves and wolf dens can be destroyed by villagers. [h2]What's new?[/h2] [list] [*] [b]Bear caves: [/b]There are 2 bears residing in bear caves, and bears are visible except in the winter season. [*] [b]Wolf dens:[/b] There are 3 wolves in wolf dens, and wolves appear only during the winter months. [/list] Predators emerge around caves and dens in specific seasons. They attack any villagers they notice nearby. When villagers spot a predator, they switch to attack mode and engage the predator. If a villager's health drops below a certain percentage, they will run to a nearby building to avoid death. The predator chases the villager until it kills them. If it sees another target closer during the chase, it will switch its focus to that new target. This scenario usually ends with the predator reaching the village and being killed by other villagers. Villager deaths are rare. Villagers can also be directed to attack a predator or its den directly. In this case, the villager attacks the target until death. Inside the animal dens, there can always be one or several animals that haven't come out yet. When you attack the dens, the animals emerge. This situation poses an increased threat to the villagers. In this scenario, villager deaths usually occur. Take care and see you in future updates.