The Demo v1.0.30 update addresses several bugs and introduces numerous balance adjustments. [h2]What's New[/h2] [list] [img][/img] [*] [b]Improved Food Toolbar:[/b] Fixed a bug causing miscalculations in monthly food stock status as the game progresses. Added indicators for annual food requirements for livestock and villagers, as well as the amount of food produced and consumed in the previous year to better track food status. [img][/img] [*] [b]Idle Villagers and Laborers Tooltip:[/b] Added a tooltip to the occupations button showing the number of idle villagers and laborers when hovered over, eliminating the need to open the professions panel to view this information. [/list] [h2]Changes and Balances[/h2] [list] [*] Increased the probability of traders selling livestock from 35% to 50%. [*] Doubled the quantity of food sold by traders. [*] Increased the gravedigger capacity in the cemetery from 2 to 3. [*] Reduced the decay time of graves in the cemetery from 2500 days to 2000 days. [*] Increased laborer capacity from 10 to 20. [*] Increased builder capacity from 4 to 5. [*] Decreased healer capacity in the Healer's Hut from 3 to 2. [*] Increased forester capacity in the Forester's Hut from 3 to 4. [*] Increased clothes production speed by 15%. [*] Decreased hide coat production speed by 15%. [*] Increased egg production by chickens. [*] Reduced growth time for all field crops by 25%. [*] Increased yield for all field crops by 50%. [*] Increased metal output in metal production from 1 to 2. [*] Increased tools output in tools production from 2 to 3. [*] Increased charcoal output in charcoal production from 1 to 2. [*] Changed the order of game difficulty presets from hardest-to-easiest to easiest-to-hardest. [/list] [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Resolved an issue from the last update where resources could not be transported to buildings under construction when a saved game was loaded. [*] Fixed the road construction button not working when the game is paused. [*] Corrected a typo that appeared when hovering over locked features in the new game creation window. [*] Fixed an issue in the Enhancement Cards window where hovering over cards assigned to buildings or unassigned slots incorrectly showed "empty slot." [*] Some codes reworked to prevent gravediggers, foresters, field farmers, livestock farmers, and waste collectors from getting stuck, particularly in the late stages of the game when traveling long distances. However, foresters and waste collectors may still occasionally get stuck until they select a different task. [/list] I hope this update satisfies you. If all goes well, this might be the final update before the game's release. I hope to release a new trailer soon and set the exact release date. Take care!