The Demo v1.0.18 update brings mild illnesses, work accidents, and resulting injuries to the game. It introduces the necessary buildings and resources for the treatment of these diseases. Additionally, it includes a graphic updates and fixes some bugs. [h2]New Buildings[/h2] [list] [*] [b]Herbalist:[/b] Herbalists in this building produce herbal medicines using herbs and medical roots to cure the villager illnesses. [*] [b]Healer's Hut:[/b] While not all diseases require inpatient treatment, injuries from work accidents and serious illnesses often do. While villagers can recover on their own, inpatient treatment speeds up the healing process and consumes fewer resources. [/list] [h2]New Resources[/h2] [list] [*] [b]Herbs:[/b] Used in the production of herbal medicines, they can spawn on the map or be grown in farm fields. [*] [b]Medical Roots:[/b] Also used in the production of herbal medicines, they can spawn on the map or be grown in farm fields. [*] [b]Herbal Medicines: [/b]Used for treating villagers in the healer's hut, they can also be used outside the healer's hut to maintain the health of villagers. When there are no herbal medicines in the village storages, villagers are at increased risk of common illnesses and take longer to recover. [/list] [i]*Medical roots and herbs are not available on the map in saved games. You need to start a new game to get them on the map. However, you can grow them in farm fields on your previously saved games[/i] [h2]Diseases and Disabilities[/h2] [list] [*] [b]Common Cold: [/b]Villagers who feel cold during winter are at risk of common cold. While it doesn't require inpatient treatment, it reduces work efficiency by 30%. [*] [b]Bone Fracture:[/b] An injury resulting from a work accident that requires inpatient treatment. [*] [b]Burn:[/b] Can occur in accidents at workplaces with fire or during fires (not yet implemented to game). Although it requires inpatient treatment, the treatment time is short. [*] [b]Open Wound: [/b]Another injury resulting from work accidents that requires inpatient treatment. [/list] [i]*Although there are only a few illnesses and injuries at the moment, the variety will increase as the game balances out. To avoid overwhelming players in the first few years, the frequency of illnesses and injuries is low at the beginning, gradually transitioning to normal frequency from the fourth year onwards.[/i] [h2]Enhancement Cards[/h2] [list] [*] Enhancement cards for herbs, medical roots, and herbal medicines have been added. [*] Production speed cards for herbal medicines have been added. [*] Cards for reducing illness damage and increasing healing speed for the healer's hut have been added. [/list] [h2]Changes[/h2] [list] [*] Saturation increased by 7% for livelier colors. [*] Grass density increased, and render distance extended so it can be visible even when zoomed out. [*] Resources required to build the town center are now included in the storage cart at the beginning of the game. [*] Possibility for constructing houses and basic production buildings without building the town center. [*] Construction speed of level 1 houses increased by 30%. [*] Warning sign removed when resource indicators in the top right corner show zero. [*] Storage cart now blocks the tile it occupies, preventing building on top of it until it disappears. [/list] [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Removed listing of removed resources in storages and UI. [*] Fixed a bug where resources couldn't be selected when changing a resource in one of the resource indicators in the top right corner. [*] Fixed a bug allowing multiple trading docks to be built. [/list] Hope to see you in future updates.