The demo 1.0.14 update is a small update that addresses several issues and adds a few new sounds. [h2]What's New?[/h2] [list] [*][b]New sound effects:[/b] Added wheel sounds for wheelbarrows and fire sounds for the wood charcoal kiln. Additionally, the sawing sound during construction, as well as the sounds for waste collection and pouring, have been replaced with new ones. [/list] [h2]Improvements[/h2] [list] [*][b]Changes to the navigation system:[/b] Villagers can no longer pass through buildings and fences. Technically, in previous versions, areas covered by buildings and fences were accessible but considered costly and undesirable areas to prevent villagers from getting stuck in unmapped locations. However, this sometimes caused issues where villagers moved back and forth in these areas and struggled to reach their destination. From this moment, these areas are now completely inaccessible. An algorithm has also been added to transport villagers born in these areas to the nearest walkable position. Since the new system has not been extensively tested, please report any errors you encounter. [*]In storage areas, a new storage alignment algorithm has been developed to prevent the repositioning of all items when a villager stores or takes a resource. Updates to a storage will no longer change the position of all items. [/list] [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] [list] [*]Fixed a few incorrect language translations in Chinese. [*]Resolved the issue where a villager would get stuck when taking firewood from the storage when their inventory was full. [*]Fixed the crash issue for players who had played very early versions of the game when clicking on the enhancement card selection in the new game menu. However, this update removes old cards from the game, so you won't be able to see previously saved cards in this version. [/list] See you in future updates.