Hello, Firstly, thanks to everyone for your support, bug reports, and suggestions. It all helps tremendously, and without out you folks SAELIG would be nothing right now. [b]Bugs[/b] Quite a few bugs, some quirky, some annoying, some fun. I just want you to know that I read every single bug that is reported and then log it in my system to keep track of them. So just keep on reporting and I'll fix them when I can. [b]Crashes[/b] Crashes are bad and some people are getting a lot of them, and then some people are getting none. Fixing these crashes is currently my top priority. One particular eagle-eyed player noticed that their crashes usually only occur when the NPCs start getting stuck between things and inside things. As a direct result of this I am now completely rewriting my navigation script to make them smarter and to include better fail-safes in case they do get stuck. These navigation issues are likely causing other bugs too, as the world and production doesn't really function if people can't move and go about their day. [b]Twitch[/b] I have decided to do some SAELIG related streams, but I'm not really sure of the exact content yet. In preparation I have made a [url=https://www.twitch.tv/stardoggames]twitch account[/url], but I must admit, I've never done anything on twitch before, so let me know what you would like to see. Also, I don't have a mic, so any suggestions? These articles are a thing I will be doing once a week to keep everyone updated on progress, and to reassure people I'm still here, and still dedicated.