Hello! I'm still here, don't worry. Recently been locked inside like some kind of animal because my partner had COVID. But I'm extremely strong and powerful so I didn't catch it. [list] [*]Fix - Windows 7 loading and saving should work as designed now (single save slot). [*]Tweak - Changes to the outfit that some people spawn with. [*]Fix - If you're tracking your kids they will no longer untrack themselves when they become adults. [*]New - The reason for a change in relationship is now displayed with the relationship notification. [*]Fix - Waylaying should now work again. [*]New - A new upgrade that can be applied to businesses which increases the efficiency of having multiple people doing a single task. [*]Fix - Employees wage should no longer get reduced if they're injured after work has finished for the day. [*]Fix - If a cart is selected while moving between markets, the prices of the goods in said cart should now update as it arrives near the new market. [*]Tweak - Your family can now choose to eat the more expensive foods you've stored inside you house, instead of just eating the junk food. [*]Tweak - Removed the need for your lovemaking partner to be fed and rested before they will join you for the fun times. [*]Tweak - Refinement of the loading screen tips. [*]New - An additional character variation for each base character, creating a lot more diversity. You may find that when loading a new game your character looks slightly different. Some new character variations will not apply to existing characters when you load, and will instead only start applying as children grow up. [*]Tweak - You can no longer die during the tutorial. [*]Tweak - The wage slider can now go higher. [/list] My list of things to do is getting shorter and shorter and that's very exciting. Cheers, Atorcoppe!