Hello, I've been working 30 hours a day recently but I found some time to make a small update. Hope you enjoy. :) [list] [*]Fixed an exploit that allowed you to farm relationship by spamming a button. [*]Fixed a bug that prevented wood cutting huts from delivery wood to other businesses. [*]Adjusted some automation settings for corrals and fields. [*]After hunting an animal your character will now automatically harvest it, even if it's outside of the map. [*]Fixed a bug that in some cases would cause caravan goods to be placed back in your businesses when you loaded the game. [*]You can now shoot people with a bow even when they're busy. Steve being a jerk and working while you're wanting to kill him? No worries, now you can shoot his face off while he's walking his cows. [*]Tweaked merchant camp item ranges, and slightly lowered the daily chance of one arriving. [*]Started overhauling the traveling merchant carts. Previously they would trade goods around the map to try and keep the markets all supplied. But now they will focus on removing excess goods when markets get flooded. It's not going to be perfect but I can tweak it from here. This should help in the late stages when markets get a bit full. [*]The AI characters can now shoot back! If you try to fire your bow at another character who has a bow and you miss, they're take a shot at you too. So careful, you might die. [/list] Have fun! Atorcoppe.