Greetings, Welcome to another update. [b]New Bits[/b] [list] [*]Bows are now usable. [*]Hunting. Deer and boars can now be hunted and then harvested. Just grab yourself a bow and away you go. As your ranged skill gets better you will have a better chance at hitting your target. [*]Bows can be used to attack people. Your ranged skill dictates your hit chance. This also means you can shoot people hauling carts and then rob their cart as they lay on the ground dying :) [*]You can now pay 1000s silver to import workers from outside of the map as long as the map population is below the cap. [*]You can now build campfires in the wilderness to keep you warm on your hunts. [*]Find dead trees around the map to scavenge for firewood. [*]Ivy growth on buildings. [*]New training dummies on every map so you can train both your ranged and melee combat skills. [/list] [b]Other Bits[/b] [list] [*]Fixed a bug that would cause the player to get kicked into the Bunkhouse. [*]Tweaks to the tutorial. [*]Fixed a bug where if your player died, in some cases the heir would not inherent the money. [*]Detail tweaks. [*]When people move out of your rentals they should now take their stuff with them. [*]Meat Pies will now adjust their prices correctly. [*]New plants and grass have been used to create lusher forests. [*]New terrain textures should add a bit more depth and colour to some parts of the game. [/list] Hope you enjoy! I'm glad to finally have bows added. Cheers, Atorcoppe.