Hello, and happy new year! I hope all is well and you're having a good time. [b]New Stuff[/b] [list] [*]New characters and outfits. More character variations are still to be added, but there are enough to start with. Clothing is now worn as entire outfits. Basic outfits are dictated by someone's job or status, more expensive outfits are made and purchased. Any purchased outfit is considered warm now as well. When you load a saved game from before this update your character will look different because you will be given a random new one. [*]New new game screen. [*]Monks are now proper people taken from the general population instead of being strange immortal entities. However churches can only hire men with no spouse or children, and they become celibate when hired. [*]Started working on a new camera mode for people who want a simpler camera. RTS Camera can be activated in options and it locks you to a specific top-down angle. [*]FPS limit has been added under custom graphics settings. [*]A lot of better animations to replace existing ones and new ones added for things that previously didn't have animations. (some old animations look a little odd with the new characters, but these will be slowly replaced too) [*]A new fighting system to replace the stabbing action. People with weapons will now fight back and the fight will continue until someone leaves, gets injured, ore killed. People will sometimes watch these fights. No legal action will be taken until the fight is over. [/list] [b]Tweaks[/b] [list] [*]More information added to some notifications. [*]Notification sounds changed to be less annoying. [*]Health tweaks to make longer games more balanced. [*]People will now be better are storing stuff in their house if they're given something they don't need straight away. [*]Player buffs/debuffs/sickness icons are now shown at the top of the screen. [*]Tweaks to item and building prices. [*]Tweaks to sounds and effects made by woodcutters and miners when they are working. [*]Slight tweaks to your owned buildings menu. [/list] [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list] [*]Fixed a bug that would give the player free items at the trading post. [*]Fixed some spelling issues. [*]Removed dried fish from caravan resources. [*]Fixed some issues with loading games. [/list] [b]Windows 7 Saving & Loading[/b] At some stage a bug with Windows 7 file system started happening which prevented listing saved games, which prevented loading. Me or no one else I talked to could find a solution so I have done a work-around. Basically if you're running Windows 7, if you save the game from the pause menu it will do a quick save, and then when you load it from the main menu it will do a quick load. This means that you will only have one save slot that is replaced every time you save. Autosaves will still happen as normal, but if you wish to load one you will need to go into the folder where the saved games are located and rename it to "Quick Save". It's far from ideal but it works for now. More to come! Will keep you posted. Much Love, Atorcoppe.