Hey! So the first attempt at this update was a bust. The update worked at my end but then somehow stopped working once it was downloaded from Steam. However, this one should be better! [list] [*] When both parent's die you will automatically adopt your child siblings. (you can abandon them afterwards) [*] Tutorial tweaks. [*] Fixed floating gravestones. [*] Fixed bug where rentals would kick out their renters if you died. [*] Fixed changing heritage when a child grows up. [*] Tweaks to the walking/running toggle at faster game speeds. [*] Further combat tweaks - two unskilled slobs won't just stand there hitting each other forever. [*] Tweaks to triggers that spawn new families. [*] The AI can now fully redevelop plots on the fly based on population and employment factors. [*] When developing empty plots the AI will now put a lot more stock into the percentage of free workers before they decide what to build. So you may now find that the AI are a lot more conservative with their business building. [*] Added new filters to you building menu. [*] Bounties should no longer get out of control. [*] Notification tweaks. [*] Single characters will now prioritise talking to other single people. [/list] That's all for now. Still working on the Viking implementation. During the last few updates I've also been working on a Windows 10/11 app to assist with my SAELIG development. A while back I released this app in case anyone else wants to use it. Head over to [url=https://www.atorcoppe.com]www.atorcoppe.com[/url] if you're interested. I find it incredibly handy, maybe you will too. Keep an eye on my website has it has a list of things I'm currently working on for SAELIG.