Usually when I post an event I have something for you to download, It's not often I come here just to have a chat. So let's chat. Hi, my name is Jamie and I'm a System Administrator from small town New Zealand. I've been working on SAELIG since mid 2016, and it's been an absolute journey. I'm not going to pretend I've enjoyed every moment of it, or pretend I've handled every situation perfectly. But bloody hell I love this game and all of you. You've given me the opportunity to make the game I've been dreaming about since I was 13, and you've given me the opportunity to take my time. Yes, SAELIG is a labour of love, but it's also so much more than that. Sometimes it's the reason I get up in the morning... and the reason I've had too many late nights. I would be honoured if you nominate SAELIG for the labour of love award because it isn't just my labour of love; it belongs to all of us. We're a village of people trying to raise our baby the best we can. This post is a mess and obviously I'm not a wordsmith, but I think a lot of you would agree that SAELIG is a plethora of delights. ---- But hey, that's enough blathering from me. Here's some proper news for you. I've taken last month's sales and put it towards new software and outfits. So if all goes well we should have new character models and way more outfits coming soon! Which is very exciting. The current characters have been in the game since the beginning, and I think it is time to say goodbye to them. Also, I ran some tests one very late night and found out that SAELIG runs on iPads. Obviously I'm not focusing on this at the moment, but I very much love the idea of playing SAELIG on a touch device. So that's something else for me to consider for the future. Much love, Atorcoppe.