Hey! This was meant to be update 36 with lots of goodies but I've decided to release it early and include fixes for some crashing issues. Thanks to the fabulous players who stuck with it and helped me diagnose their crashing issues. [list] [*]Fixed two different crash causing bugs. [*]The player should no longer be interrupted with foraging, fishing, or hauling. [*]Fixed a bug that would destroy the contents of your leather pack on game load. [*]Added a new upgrade for some buildings that make them more fire resistant. [*]AI characters can now go hunting like the player. [*]Travellers can now go to alehouses and bakehouses to spend money. [*]Added building menu favourites. Now you can favourite any of your buildings and then filter by those. [*]Lots of font changes and improvements to general consistency of UI. [*]More empty plots for Essex. [/list] Thanks for the support and help with this ever-evolving pile of code and love. Cheers, Jamie.