Hey! Firstly thank you to the folks who have been playing on the Test Builds brach and putting up with frequent updates and providing feedback. Here’s whats new in this update: [b]NEW[/b] [list] [*] New Game + - You can now load an existing character when you start a new game. This will load in your appearance, skills, inventory, and money. [*] You can now filter and search the People window. [*] Added a raid difficulty setting for when you start a new game. [*] Added a new starting scenario for starting the game as a village drunk. This start will make your character an alcoholic who needs to drink alcohol to maintain their mental ability. [*] Added a garden upgrade to houses and huts so you will be able to harvest eggs, fruit, and vegetables from home. [*] Some new animations. [*] Updated UI panels, main menu, options menu, load menu, and save menu. [*] Added a setting in options to change the colour and opacity of the UI. [*] A new “New Game” experience. [/list] [b]TWEAKS[/b] [list] [*] AI can now buy wood for development from player owned Trading Posts. [*] In the Market Compare window you can now only see Trade Deals when your Trading level is 40 or higher. [*] Tweaks to the conversation mechanic to make it less exploitable. [*] Gardens at Longhouses, Homesteads, Huts and Houses now work like any other production. [*] When automation is turned on, any carts that were requesting goods will be sent home. [*] Added a confirm window for hiring people. [*] Productions will now show % complete when you hover over them. [*] Added a toggle to the hiring window to allow you to sort by distance or skill. [*] Businesses will no longer reset their productions when they load their carts. [*] The wind effect on snow, rain, and trees will now increase during a storm. [*] Character portraits are now generated in a more efficient way. [*] When a house catches on fire and there is a tenant, they will be evicted. [*] Unclaimed towns can now be added to existing towns once you have founded the max number of towns. [*] Tenants are now more gracefully removed from their rentals when they die. [/list] [b]FIXES[/b] [list] [*] Fixed some navigation issues for some buildings in some locations. [*] Fixed navigation issues with the Den. [*] Fixed an issue where you could build more markets than you’re meant to by building them all at once. [*] Fixed a bug where homemade productions would continue even after you went to work at your job. [*] Fixed a bug where in some cases you could send a caravan to the character creator screen. [*] Fixed a bug where you could start a town using an Estate plot, which would cause the game to break. [*] Fixed a bug where in some cases you could be elected Town Reeve, but not actually receive the position. [*] Fixed a bug where Watchmen would not load in. [*] Fixed it so you can now longer use the action buttons when you’re at work or in the pit. [/list] Now to start on my next list of things! Cheers, Atorcoppe.