Greetings! If all goes okay, this is likely the last update before I release Update 45, which will include the new map. [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list] [*]Cats will no longer be dragged around on the ground when you guard/escort a cart. [*]Automations will no longer reset when your character dies. [*]Fixed some typos. [*]Entertain, See Patients, and Build Boat will now assign properly via automation. [*]If your Corral is doing more than one production when you load your game, it will no longer cancel one of those productions. [*]Spouse will now buy less food to store at home. [*]If you have a shield on your back and you chop wood, your axe will no longer hit your shield and create splinters. [*]Fixed a bug where you would teleport home if you were sleeping and you right clicked on a market in your building list. [*]Adult children will no longer change families if their mother gets remarried. [*]Fixed a bug where in some cases carts would not be sent to buy items when automation is on. [*]Fixed the last objective in the tutorial not progressing. [/list] [b]Tweaks[/b] [list] [*]Job search list will now show jobs in other towns, as well as some jobs that were being excluded for no good reason. [*]After you kill and harvest an animal, the chances of another one spawning somewhere has been increased. [*]Added a 'Go To' option to the right click menu when right clicking on a building (including in your building list). [*]Optimisations. [*]Large horse cart is now an ox cart. [*]Lovemaking skill now increases at a higher rate when doing the deed. [*]Moved the spots that horses and oxen will navigate to when they aren't being used. This should ease congestion. [*]When people are putting out fires there is now a priority list. So they'll focus on buildings most important to them first. [*]Tweaks to how buildings are saved and loaded. You should notice no difference, but let me know if you're missing buildings. [*]More display slots for market inventories. [/list] [b]New[/b] [list] [*]New dog models. [*]New cow models. [*]New loading screen art. [*]You can now ride horses. A travelling horse breeder will turn up every once in a while and hang around for a bit. You can buy a horse from him and then ride it around like an absolute boss. Horses, like other pets, will die of old age. When you are not riding it, it will follow you around. [/list] More to come next week hopefully! Cheers, Atorcoppe.