Hey all! It's me again. Another update to enjoy. :) [list] [*]Replaced the classic lute with a new one, as well as a new animation for playing it. [*]Fixed it so the pack removal warning appears in front of the player commands panel. [*]Removed a patch of grass on the main menu so that you can see the feet of your character. [*]Some UI tweaks and adjustments. [*]Fixed it so that you no longer hear the sound of rain when it snows sometimes. [*]Some general optimisations. [*]You now require your own weapon when applying for a watchman position. You will no longer be given one. [*]After you sell a cart the selection UI will now close automatically. [*]You can no longer chop wood and collect fruit at the same time. [*]Reordered the player area commands that you see when you click your character to more closely match the same commands that you see when you hold right click. [*]You will no longer hear rain when the game is paused. [*]Fixed a bug where you would not get notified if you won a position of power if you were the only applicant. [*]Characters will now try to avoid other characters when they are standing still. So hopefully they won't clip through each other. [*]You can no longer bless the same person endlessly - I fixed it for real this time. [*]Added a link to the Wiki to the pause menu. [*]Added an option to exit to the game completely to the pause menu. So you don't have to exit via the main menu anymore. [*]The follow cam will now work properly when the game is paused and won't hover and twitch. [*]The game will no longer resume automatically when you toggle any of the options in the options menu. [*]You can now use escape to close notifications and windows. [*]If you keep inviting people to dance with you they will start getting annoyed and eventually decline you. [*]Fixed the navigation in the Den so now it works correctly again. [/list] I've also made a bunch of changes and additions that should not have any affect on your current games, as they are more tailored to the new map, which I'm still working on. Watch this space. Thank everyone so much for all the great suggestions and feedbacks recently. There are a tonne of small things that I'm quickly getting through that will hopefully make the overall experience better. Much love, Atorcoppe.