Hi! Just a small update to follow up from Update 44 that fixes some little issues. [list] [*]Corrected the gender icons in character creation. [*]Changed the 'Teleport Home' command to be a key combination instead of a button. If you get stuck you can now press ctrl+f10 to teleport out of it. [*]Fixed a small tutorial bug. [*]Fixed a bug that meant if someone pushed out a baby while the game was still loading in your save, the save would not finish loading. [/list] So you're likely wondering why this update is 300mb if that is all I've included in this update. Well because after I released update 44 I built an entire new map that will allow you to build towns from scratch. Now while that isn't included in this update, there are some small parts of it in the background. [url=https://dropovercl.s3.amazonaws.com/319b4495-31af-479a-8df6-468d299c46e8/97a0fbd0-c571-4cea-bec5-4c207e6bb232/84c366b2-5792-43cb-bfa9-3c08795b657d.mov]Here is a tiny first look at starting a town from scratch on the new map.[/url] Cheers!