Greetings! Another little update for you. [list] [*]In map mode each size of empty plot now has a different icon. [*]Buildings should no longer turn white after a fire - this has been tested working for me, but let me know if it is still an issue for you. [*]You character will no longer auto equip weapons when looting. [*]You can now build a Field on an Estate Plot. This will produce more resources than a standard Field. [*]Fixed a bug where player needs would reset to 100 when loading. [*]Churches now have herbs gardens and can produce herbs. [*]You can now set a bunkhouse as your active house. [*]Fixed a bug where monks would refuse to make wine. [*]Fixed a bug where Hyrmenn would not correctly commit arson. [*]Lowered the wage at the Den. [*]After raids, all productions should now restart correctly. [*]Fixed a bug where the Mine would stop producing resources. [*]Added a max bounty of 20k silver for outlaws. [*]You can no longer get infinite money by looting bodies. [*]Fixed a bug where you could enrol the same child in school multiple times. [*]The calculation for how many Viking raiders are spawned now takes into account how far any defenders would need to travel to engage them. Which means in some cases on larger maps, less raiders may spawn than before. [*]Chances of producing an Exquisite Sword at the Workshop has been tweaked, and now requires a hire combined skill level. [/list] Cheers!