Hello, hello, hello! I hope you’re all doing fabulous. Here’s an update with some good improvements. [b]BUG FIXES[/b] [list] [*] Fixed a bug that would stop your graphics settings from saving. [*] Fixed some issues when using custom key bindings. [*] Fixed some carriage glitches. [*] Fixed an issue that would cause strange loops when players went to work in the morning. [*] Fixed a few saving and loading bugs. [/list] [b]TWEAKS[/b] [list] [*] A few changes to some text in popup windows. [*] Performance improvements and GPU usage improvements. By default your GPU should run cooler when running SAELIG than before. [*] Some tweaks to hunting to make it a little less OP. [*] When you go and talk to someone they will no longer stop what they are doing and just stand there. They will now continue their task and only stop once you reach them. If they are walking at the time they will stop and wait in place. [*] Made some of my old code more efficient. [/list] [b]NEW[/b] [list] [*] There is now some degree of auto-eating for the player. When you have needs on, your character is hungry, and you have food in your inventory, your character will automatically grab a bite to eat. Your player will only eat one item. [*] Shield usage. Characters will now use shields in combat. [*] Foliage rehash. Unfortunately I’ve had to remove the foliage system completely and add a new system in (this took ages). The new system works great and looks good, however it isn’t quite as responsive. This means empty plots no longer have trees on them. This also means the simple vegetation option has been removed because vegetation will now be less dense around cities. As part of this distant trees will look nicer. [*] Melee combat has been redeveloped and is now better all around. This was an important change because it lends well to the inclusion of raids. [/list] I’m always here just plotting away in the background. I’ve been working on this game for so many years now and endlessly appreciate all the fans that keep playing and keep giving me ideas on ways to improve it. I know there are people who are really disappointed that the game isn’t finished. But I don’t even know what finished looks like. I just have this game I make, I add new features and release updates. I guess you could say it’s one of those continuous development games, except you only pay once and get all updates for life. But what do you guys think? Should I just try to wrap this up as fast as I can and get to a finish point, or should I just keep plotting along with it with no set end date? Cheers!