Hello! It’s been a minute, but I’m still here, I promise. I’ve been super busy at work recently and with life in general. However I’ve just ended up with COVID, which has actually freed up some time for me. Nothing major in this update sorry. I’m getting closer to implementing some new stuff, but wanted to get a few bugs out of the way first. [list] [*] Fixed a bug where people sometimes would not take medicine from their house. [*] Some tweaks to the logic behind herbalists choosing what tasks to carry out. [*] Fixed some UI labels that were wrong. [*] Fixed a bug where people would not lay in bed. [*] Tweaks to mild illnesses to better adapt to longer day lengths. [*] Slight changes to carriage drop off points, they will now stop further away from the actual drop off point so they don’t get congested in tight places as easily. [*] Some fixes to the cat adoption notifications. [*] Slight reduction in the chances for some production events triggering. [*] Fixed some plot placement issues. [/list] I hope to get more stuff out to you guys soon! Cheers!