Greetings! I found a lady, followed her around, talked to her a bunch, and gave her a some barley. Now we're getting married! This coming Saturday I will be off doing the wedding thing, which means I may go quiet for a few days. However, I didn't want you leave you without first giving you another update! [b]BUG FIXES[/b] [list] [*]You can now interact with bunkhouses and sleep inside them. [*]Fixed CTD when buying out some buildings. [*]Fixed many automation bugs - things should work a lot better now. [*]Fields will no longer reset their crops when they should not. [*]Fixed a bug where your character would start fishing in the middle of the map. [*]Fixed a bug where the caravan ui would not open correctly. [*]Fixed a bug where offloading all goods to market automatically vs selling them manually would net a slightly different return. [/list] [b]TWEAKS[/b] [list] [*]You can now give your workers items while they are working - though this will interrupt their current production until the interaction is complete. [*]The cart 'Send To' menu will now show houses last. [*]Automation - Business A will now only supply Business B with the goods required at that moment in time, unless Business B isn't working on anything, then Business A will supply any relevant goods. [*]Many other automation tweaks, including cart made being set to 'Never Load' by default, so that it doesn't send to market as soon as you turn it on. Should also be more intelligent about loading carts, selling items, etc. [*]Tweaks to item price calculations when selling in bulk. You should now net a but more when selling bulk items. Also tweaked the length of time it takes for prices to adjust, and some of the calculation inputs. [*]Camera will now look at buildings and people when you warp to them. [/list] [b]NEW[/b] [list] [*]There is now a new panel in the market compare screen that calculates the best deal between all markets. It will tell you what item to buy from what market, then where to sell it, and how much profit you'll make. This only shows one trade at a time. [*]New 2D artworks for building profile pictures. [/list] Much love! Jamie.