Greetings! Update time! [b]Bugs[/b] [list] [*] Fixed a bug that would cause corrals to not supply your other businesses with meat or hide. [*] Fixed bug where your adopted kid would not move in with you sometimes. [*] Fixed a bug where you could duplicate items while holding Q when transferring them between inventories. [*] Fixed several errors that would cause the game not to load specific saves. [/list] [b]Tweaks[/b] [list] [*] Removed 'Very Simple' quality setting. It performed worse than 'Simple' quality, so is redundant. [*] Slight reductions to farm production times. Thus making them more economical. [*] If you're friends with someone and they are renting, you can now enter their home. [*] Small reduction to the prices of weapons. [*] Tweaks to the AI logic for buying luxury items. [*] Some tweaks to the Alehouse model. [*] Tweaks to the logic applied when automation is supplying other businesses. [/list] [b]New[/b] [list] [*] You can now retire your character at any stage as long as you have a heir. This is done via the info panel for your player. [*] You can now feed eggs to foxes. [*] You can now select if you want to start with player needs on or off during the new game process. [/list] Also! You can now vote on what features you'd like to see next - [url=][/url] See you soon! Atorcoppe.