Greetings! [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list] [*] Several navigation fixes and tweaks. [*] Fixed bug where the compare markets button wouldn’t work for cart inventories. [*] Fixed bug that would prevent you from dancing with people. [*] Axes can now break properly when cutting down trees. [*] Your business should now continue producing at the end of the day if you are doing work there. [/list] [b]Tweaks[/b] [list] [*] Added a slight curve to skill training. [*] Added some extra colour to markets. [*] Bounties now don’t increase so much. [*] People will no longer come chat with you when you’re tending to your animals or gardens. [*] A few new animal sounds. [*] Some new working animations. [*] Confirmation for deleting saved games. [*] Tweaks to illnesses on longer games. [*] Less chance for things to catch on fire from internal fireplaces. [*] UI tweaks. [*] Gifting is not a lot more dynamic. You can’t make fast friends with a rich person by just giving them eggs. [*] You can now do home productions while you have a job. [*] Businesses will now send their highest level hauler to haul carts. [*] Added cart menu to sheds. [*] Bone breaking events are now less common. [/list] [b]The Good Stuff[/b] [list] [*] Hyrmenn can now guard carts and buildings. [*] Bakehouses and Alehouses now have a storehouse inventory which is where you place goods to sell them. [*] Chatting, flirting, and supervising timeouts have been removed. [*] Completely new conversation system when you talk to people. You can now ask questions to learn about people and discuss things. Each person now has an annoyance level so will become annoyed with you if you spam them with conversation, or say things they don’t like. Each person now also has a favourite food which you can ask about. You will get extra points for giving them their favourite food. Have a play with it. Kissing and lovemaking ties into this annoyance system as well. [/list] I’ve no doubt missed a few things off the list. Let me know how things go! Cheers, Jamie.