Hello, welcome to another update. Hope all is well. Got some goodies for you, oh yes I do. [b]New Stuff[/b] [list] [*]Automation redesign. This includes being able to automatically transfer excess goods to Sheds and Trading Posts. [*]People who don’t like you can now spread gossip about you. [*]Player can now fish in boats at the Fishing Dock. [*]New Pearl production at the Fishing Dock. [*]AI can now murder. [*]Some new travellers that will walk through town and buy stuff. [*]Some good foods can give a new buff. [*]New scoring system that will rank the wealthiest families in the map. (Works best with a new game) [*]Player can now rent a room at an Alehouse. [*]You can now defecate on your enemies’ doorstep. Not kidding. [*]Added a daily balance to the top of transaction history. [/list] [b]Tweaks[/b] [list] [*]Added more vibrance to game colours. Let me know if you want even more. [*]Simple foliage will now also shrink trees. This is ideal for people who don’t like the big trees. [*]Building price adjustments. [*]Fog tweaks. [*]Relationship tweaks. [*]All productions are now contribution based. This means that Wood, Iron, Gold, Gems, Silver, and Fish are no longer produced by individual workers, and are instead produced in groups like the other productions. [*]Some further production tweaks. [*]Children will now work for free if you own them. [*]Tweaked the health system to be more robust during very long games. [*]Pregnant people are now immune to murder. Because you know, children. [*]Adjusted the Leatherworker for better returns. [*]Adjusted the Fishing Dock for better returns. [*]Adjusted hunger, warmth, and social needs for the AI. [*]Supervising will now only give a single notification. [*]Tweaked the default storage in some buildings. [*]Increased the buyout price for buildings that are already owned. [*]Made the snow darker. [*]Tweaked the audio levels. [/list] [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list] [*]Music should now slot and play properly at higher speeds. [*]Fixed a bug where your heir would not get your moola when you died. [*]Fixed a bug where you could not put numbers in save names if you had actions about to those numbers. [*]People should no longer sell the coats you just gave them. [*]Fixed some production bugs. [*]Fixed some typos and whatnot. [*]Fixed some notifications. [/list] Send me an electronic message at email@atorcoppe.com if you have any trouble with your saved games. Much love, Atorcoppe.