Well hello, fancy seeing you here. I would like to introduce you to Update 30, it's quite neat and has some goodies to offer. [b]Goodies[/b] [list] [*]A new larger house called a Homestead. It has more beds than a standard house and has a garden upgrade. The garden upgrade allows you and your family to harvest small amounts of fruits, vegetables, and eggs throughout the year. [*]Another new type of house called a Longhouse. It is primarily designed as something to sink money into as it's stupid expensive to build and upgrade. You can build walls around it, plant a garden (see above), and also raise some animals (like the garden upgrade but meat and wool). [*]Owners of a Longhouse can host a feast which if done correctly will make you the most popular person in town. [*]You can now train other people in skills that you are better than them at. [*]You can now transfer workers more easily from other nearby businesses that you own. [*]Sheds! You can now develop small and large plots into sheds to store all your goodies. [*]Two new achievements. [*]Corruption and criminal record now have a great influence on your life. However if you are generous enough with the church they can fix this for you. [*]Major changes to how prices adjust. This should fix some strange prices that some people noticed. [*]A new cart for the final level of cart upgrade. When you ride this one you sit up front, like a pro. [/list] [b]Less Good, Goodies[/b] [list] [*]A few UI changes to make certain things more obvious. [*]Fixed the spelling issues. [*]Fixed a bug where you would lose relationship with child workers when they grow up. [*]Fixed broken controls after using first person as a lady with a dress (yes, this was an actual bug). [*]Fixed a bug where you could not catch an outlaw if you were a watchman. [*]Fixed a bug where crime reports at the end of the day could be incorrect. [*]You can no longer offload random items into an empty plot. [*]Some new notifications. [*]You can now properly hire your family for free again. [*]Wood cutters will now properly sell wood. [*]Fixed some exploits. [*]Fixed an issue where people would rent your houses then leave then rent your houses again. [*]People will now eat more food from their own houses. [*]Various other bug fixes. [/list] I hope you all enjoy the new stuff. Sorry I'm really slow at development - life is crazy sometimes. Cheers, Atorcoppe.