Good hello to you. Update 29 is here and it's pretty good. [list] [*]Guards have been changed to Watchmen and they are now normal people who can be interacted with as normal and do normal stuff. [*]You can now join the Town Watch and catch criminals. You will need to either witness the crime and catch them in the act, or be the first watchman to the scene of a reported crime. [*]Metalworker is now called Workshop. [*]Round shields and kite shields can now be produced at the Workshop. [*]Show off how cool you are by wearing a shield. [*]People will now be more inclined to use rivers and whatnot to put out fires. [*]Fixed an issue where skills would not be assigned properly after character creation. [*]Drunk people are now more likely to start a fight. [*]The number of Elders and Watchmen a town can have is now based on the current population, so these numbers can change. [*]If you are the Town-Reeve you can fire a Watchman you don't like. [*]New map! Hamtunscir. A small map with only a single town. This is a good map for those who like the quiet life. It has very little in the way of buildings at the start of the game but plenty of room to expand. Also really good for systems that might struggle to run the other maps. [*]Various UI fixes, including item quantity scroll, and estimated price when selling. [*]Fixed an issue that caused lag when selling in large numbers. [/list] And a few other things here and there. Cheers, Atorcoppe.