Hey folks, I took a break for about a week to play some games and do some different programming. But I'm back and I just wanted to release some improvements which address a few gripes people had. [list] [*]You can now give employees items (like coats) when they are idle at work (no task). [*]All productions are now shown in the production selection menu for businesses. Only the ones you can make are selectable. [*]Slight UI changes when automation is enabled. [*]Prices adjust at a slightly slower rate. [*]Increased the cost to upgrade your workspaces. [*]Fixed an issue that would prevent the game from loading. [*]Fixed a bug that would kick you into the bunkhouse. [*]Removed the Steam Achievement from the tutorial. [*]Fixed the UI overflow on the save menu. [*]The game speed will now revert back to what you had it as after you dismiss an open notification. So if you're at 4x speed and you open and close a notification it will go back to 4 instead of 1. [*]Decreased the production speed of gold and silver charms slightly. [*]Slightly clearer wording when trying to buy-out a competitor. [*]Made sure the wage prices displayed in the job list is the same as the price which is displayed when you apply. [*]Added tooltips to more items in more situations. [/list] During my week away I made a Lemonade Tycoon *type* mobile game for something a bit different. It's pretty fun and doesn't have any micro-transactions or unsolicited ads in it. I'll probably spend a couple more hours adding some shine to it and release it for free. Because why not? Don't worry, it's not taking me away from SAELIG, I just wanted to try my hand at something a tad different. But now I'm looking getting everything ready for Update 30. Exciting. Cheers, Atorcoppe.