Hello, Been working hard for the last couple days to make some decent changes. I've run through a bunch of the businesses and done a bunch of balancing based on my findings. Here's the complete list of changes. [list] [*]Complete overhaul of business AI and Automation. Workers will now be a lot more active at looking for new tasks, and carts will be a lot more regularly used. [*]AI will now once again chop firewood at woodblocks around town. [*]Player's spouse will now make sure to not have a job too far way from home. [*]New families will only show up if there is spare housing. [*]Fixed three bugs that caused games to no load properly. [*]Adjusted timings and recipes for a lot of productions. [*]Adjusted prices for a few items. [*]Added more plots to Hamptunscir. [*]Fixed production selection bugs at corrals and fields. [*]A bunch of changes to the butcher, including a new production - Bone Charm. Bone Charms will increase a random skill when consumed and are produced as a side product of butchering a carcass. [/list] A few other changes here and there. If you have any odd bugs or troubling loading a saved game please send me an email to email@atorcoppe.com and I'll help you out. Cheers, Atorcoppe.