Hello, I've released an update. So here is this stuff. [list] [*]A new crime has been added, you can now loot graves. [*]Fixed a few issues with people not starting work properly. [*]Fixed some automation oddities. [*]You can now transfer employees between buildings without a relationship loss. [*]A random choice of wells, coops, fire pits, and towers will automatically spawn when other buildings are built. [*]Workers who are not cutting trees should no longer die from a fallen tree. [*]New model for the corral. [*]People will now be better at renting and will now move to towns where they work. [*]Employee availability is now based on offered wage + distance from offered job vs current wage and current distance from work. So basically throw money at people and they work for you. [*]A new button that opens a menu that shows all available jobs. [*]Entertainment now works properly again. [*]You can now properly sleep in bunkhouses. [*]New rubble and scaffold. [*]Hover over the clock to see how many days left in the season. [*]Horse carts should now smoothly contour with the land they are on (if the camera is nearby), instead of jumping around. [*]New buff that reduces the effect of cold when out of the snow. [*]Lots of random tweaks and fixes. [/list] And now for the major addition to this build! Saving should now only take a second or 4. Gone are the days roasting a chicken while you wait for the game to save. Basically the previous saving script was written by a younger dumber version of me, and now I'm less young and less dumb and therefore the new saving script is also less dumb. Do keep in mind I have tried so bloody hard to ensure that the saving works flawlessly in every situation I could think of. However due to the nature of the game it is possible that some weird obscure situation is not accounted for. So I suggest you do not overwrite your old saves just in case. Load up your save and then save it as a new copy with the new system, that way if saving fails at any point we have the original to go back to. This will make it way easier to fix any save issues that pop up. I'm not expecting any issues, but I'm a very cautious person. :) Have fun.