Greetings, So I was standing there watching her sleep, waiting for her to wake up so I could dazzle her with some flirts, when it hit me. That ain't normal. Or it's hella creepy at the very least. This moment encouraged me to make some changes. [list] [*]You can no longer view inside, or step inside houses that are owned by people who you don't know very well. I'm sorry. [*]You can however, now keep tabs on people by selecting them and clicking "TRACK PERSON", this will add them to a list on the left side of your screen. Now you can have a custom list of all the people you want to stalk, abuse, or arouse. [*]Work hours are now specified in 12 hour time instead of 24, to match the game clock. Why did it take me three years to do this? [*]The player can no longer ride a cart that is a caravan. [*]People should now avoid fences when the game starts, not just later on. [*]You can no longer develop your active house. [*]Fixed a bug that would give you free money on load if you were an abbot. I enjoy that no one reported this bug. [*]Fixed a bug where certain events would break if the player was the only employee. [*]Tweaked the some of the conditions that influence what kind of building the AI will develop. They should be less trigger happy with things that aren't needed. [*]You will no longer be able to equip a bow. Because that's not ready yet. [*]Certain buildings will no longer be cheaper than the plot of land they sit on. [*]Fixed a bug where the Flour Mill would lose upgrades on load. [/list] I think that's it. Have fun, Atorcoppe.